Book Your Magic

The art of booking has become one of my strongest talents while being here. I really enjoy going out and finding guest and “hunting” them down for a segment or a interview.

For my AR Bernard interview, I had a minor setback. My main guest cancelled on me and I was in runt. What do I do,bwho will be my guest, he was it! I thought maybe I should change my topic all together. But I was to deep in to research and I knew just about everything there is to know about this topic. So what do you do now? Research another guest of course.

I researched, read, and watched interviews of people I thought would be great. I find Fred Council and just knew he would be a great fit for my interview. First thing, I had to find him. My first initial thought was to go on twitter because its a very popular connection network but Fred never replied to my message. Next, Facebook, no reply. Next, random emails I found on his websites, no reply. Next, I went to YouTube and found his channel commented on every video, still no reply. I was stooped! For about four hours I tried to contact this man, and I got no reply! But God! I woke up the next morning to find emails, Facebook messages, tweets, follow and a shout out on twitter from Fred! I was so excited and lucky because Ms.Reid asked for our guest names and contacts that morning. I almost cried because I did not want to tell her I had no guest. Fred Council is now booked for my interview.

Even though I probably looked like a network stalker, I got Fred. There is always a way. Never stop until you get what you want. I am applying this motto to my everyday life here in New York. Find a way or make one, that’s the only way.

Posted on July 19, 2013, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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